Dr. Gloria Brown Bio


Dr. Gloria Brown Bio


Gloria brown knew from an early age, by the encouragement of her father, that dreams can become realities, so she dreamed big. She believed that by faith and God and believing that she is who God say she is that she could do al thing that god give her to do. Gloria understands that it will not be by her power or might, but by the spiritual of God. Gloria quest has also been to know and understand herself and her purpose.  Gloria is now knowledgeable of and recognize:

  • Gloria recognizes and honor the people God has put in her life to aid in her development, growth and maturity.
  • Her purpose and her calling. Her purpose is her destination and her ability to get there is though her calling. Her calling includes the use or her unique talents, abilities and spiritual gift.
  • Gloria knows she is called to serve, obey, to be free and to repent daily as instructed in God’s word.
  • Her top 5 spirit gifts are Administration, giving, Word of Knowledge, Miracles, and Faith.
  • Her spiritual strengths are God-fearing, empathetic, loving others, unselfish, compassion, and kindness, diligent, faithful loyal, optimistic, peaceful, and respectful, sincere, trustworthy self-control, consistent, and stable. My emotional strengths are resilience, perseverance, and she has an attitude of gratitude.
  • Gloria’s talents are decision making, leadership, Introspection, emotional Intelligence (, fluid intelligence (teachable), systems thinking (solve problem), craft (creating things with her hands),
  • Gloria’s abilities are, working well with a team, self-motivation, flexible, good time management, communication skills, and a quick learner.


Gloria has always been highly motivated to achieve and reach goals. She believed that though Christ her Lord she will be a world changer. Gloria’s theological development started early in her childhood. She learned as a child that without Christ she could do nothing. Her family was a community of Baptist believers.

Gloria’s parents are Henry and Gail Parker, two wonderful parents. She is the 2nd oldest of six siblings.  She grows up in a typical 1960 middle-class Baptist family. Life was wonderful. She was daddy’s little girl. He took time to encourage her about the things that God would do in her life, if she remained in Christ. He wanted her to know that she had unlimited possibility in life. Gloria really did not understand why her dad was telling her so many profound things at such an early age. She thought she had a lifetime with her dad, until suddenly he became sick and passed away.  Gloria was fifteen, confused, and devastated. There was a numbness all over that was hard for her to shake. After some time with the help of Jesus Gloria came to accept that her dad was with the Lord.

She drew closer to God, He became the joy of her life, and her best friend. She stood on the word of God that said he would be a father to the fatherless. Just as she was her daddy’s little Girl, she became the apple of her daddy Gods eye. Gloria’s quest in life was to please God in everything she did. God spoke to her sister Margaret regarding it being time to move on for further growth. She took Gloria to Joyful Harvest Christian Ministry, under the leadership of Apostle’s Howard Holmes (overseer), and Dr. Julia Holmes (Pastor), where Gloria has been a member about 37 plus years. She has served in several capacities in the ministry. During the initial phase of the ministry in 1989, when we transitioned from Chicago Holiness Deliverance Church to Joyful Harvest Christian Ministries, Gloria assisted with writing the church policies, by-laws and church handbook. She also assisted our senior pastor in completing the necessary forms to secure the churches not-for-profit 501 (C) 3 status; and secured the ministry sales tax-exempt status. Gloria remains’ responsible for submitting the necessary forms for our annual renewal. Gloria has served as the financial secretary, recording tithes and offerings, making sure bill were paid, Sunday School Director, Sunday school teacher, Youth Ministry Director in which she worked diligently serving the youth, planning in-house and community activities. Gloria completed several phases of ministry training within the ministry, which included outreach, prophetic, evangelism and leadership training to name a few. Gloria has provided counseling to individuals within the ministry, committed to prayer services in the homes, hospital, and nursing homes. Gloria has taught classes on proper nutrition, wellness, giving and finance. In April of 2006, Gloria was licensed and ordained as a minister, in the office of the Prophet and was promoted to the to the Director of the Healing ministry.

Gloria’s story reminds her of the parable in Matthew 25: 15, when the master gave the 1st servant 5 talents, the second servant 2 talent and the third servant 1 talent according to their ability.  She was the one that was given the 5, Gloria had gained 5 more talents and has been put in charge of more things and has been invited to share in God’s joy! And now God is continuously pouring more into her. And this is all Gods doing and it is marvelous in her lord’s sight.

Gloria excelled in education. After high school she went to college. She started at the University of Chicago at Circle Campus a 4-year college, for 2 semesters. Gloria decided that she would transfer to a junior college to complete her degree as a Dietetic Technician. She received her Associates Degree in 1985, after being on the dean’s list for 2 years for outstanding performance. Doing the time Gloria was pursuing her education her husband found her. They were married and have raised three wonderful children, a girl and 2 boys. She now has 6 grandchildren and 1 great grand.

Gloria worked as a Dietetic Technician for twelve years and was downsized. To Gloria what appear to be a winter season and her life was God taking her into her purpose.  God used Gloria’s Pastor to give her direction. Gloria quickly followed the instruction given, which was to go to the University of Chicago Hospital to meet Dr. Tonya. Dr. Tonya was a CPE supervisor. Her life changed, God stared Gloria on a journey leading to her natural calling, Chaplaincy.  She started at the University of Chicago, which was her 1st CPE unit, and went on to Trinity Hospital. Gloria has completed seven units of Clinical Pastoral Education under the auspices of the ACPE. Gloria was then hired as a part time staff chaplain pending on completion of her master’s degree and Board certification. Gloria journey with God though CPE has been one of much growth, healing of pass hurts, and trauma, which has caused her to see life thought new lens. Gloria is so grateful to God for the gift of CPE. She knows that wounded people wound other. Gloria’s desire is that every minister would have the opportunity to have a CPE experience.

Shortly after Gloria started her new vocation, on 9.11.2000, she returned to school. God graced her the honor of being on the “National Deans List” for 2 years (2004-2005) for high standards of academic excellence at Governors State University.  April of 2006 Gloria received her BA Degree from Governors State University. On December 12, 2008, she received her Master of Art in Christian Ministry, from North Park Theological Seminary. June 21, 2012 the statue of Board-Certified Chaplain was awarded to Gloria, wow a 12-year journey and she gives God the Gory.  Gloria went on for higher education reminded of the seed that was planted by her father regarding dreaming big, she completed her Doctor of Christian Leadership 9.28.2014.

Gloria thanks God for the people who have helped to influence her vocational choices. Her husband, minster Cornelius is a amazing man of God, he has been such a support as Gloria boarded her Glory train which has taken her so many places. Gloria is still on a ride and she is excited about what God is doing Now!  Gloria’s Pastor, Dr. Apostle Julia Holmes has played a major role in Gloria’s new position as a Board-Certified Chaplain. She directed Gloria to the University of Chicago, where here CPE journey started. God remined Gloria of what she whispered to Him years ago, as she sowed a seed, which was, “She sure would like to be a Chaplain”. Gloria knows for sure that God hears and answers the smallest whispers as we delight ourselves in Him.