Apostle Julia Holmes Bio
Apostle Julia Holmes, a native of Beaufort, South Carolina, has resided inChicago, Illinois since 1982. Her love for God and people inspired her journey toChicago with her husband of forty plus years, Apostle Howard Holmes Jr. She andher husband served faithfully as a part of Independent Holiness DeliveranceChurches. After pastoring for seven years, she and her husband pioneered and co-founded Harvest International Ministries in 1989. Together they serve as anapostolic covering for five-fold ministry gifts and ministries.In addition to providing counsel to various ministries and fivefold ministry gifts,Apostle Holmes is an administrator, community leader and a member of God FirstMinistries Signatures of Prolific Women and Global Generals and Intercessorsunder the leadership of Dr. Mildred C. Harris, Founder and C.E.O.Apostle Holmes travails and intercedes for the salvation of the lost, as she has adesire to see believers walk in total victory through Christ, fulfilling their Godordained purpose in the earth realm. In her ministry, she challenges individuals totake God at His Word and practice the Word of God in their daily living, becomingpeople of godly character, integrity and strength in God.Apostle Holmes has a passion for marriage and assisting couples with insight andstrategies to avoid pitfalls in their marriage. She and her husband conducts pre-marital, marital counseling and enrichment sessions. Their motto is “happiness is achoice; we provide tools for successful relationships.” In addition, she writesmarital prescriptions for those experiencing challenges in their marriage, which hasproven to help people strengthen and build relationships.Apostle Holmes writes daily Life Changing Rx, which is shared via Facebook,messenger, email and text messages. In addition, her voice recordings of the Wordof God and prayer are designed to win the lost as well as encourage and strengthenbelievers. Her accomplishments have aided in the process of writing a tractentitled God has a purpose for your life. She has written and transcribed individualPersonal Life Changing Prescriptions (Rx), edited and published Harvest TimesWitness Newsletter. She developed and implemented Becoming a Princess GirlsGroup and served as the coordinator of Mary & Elizabeth Connection Women’sGroup and counselor of Be WHOLE Program. Apostle Holmes was also theHostess of Blog Talk Radio as well as two Radio Broadcast, one in theChicagoland area and the other in Beaufort, South Carolina.
Apostle Holmes is also the developer of the 20/20/20 Word, Prayer, Praise andWorship CD Series which encourages others to spend time reading, praying, andpraising the Lord. She also co-authored a prayer manual entitled ‘Praying ProlificPrayers with Signatures of Prolific Women” with Dr. Mildred C. Harris and othermembers.Since coming to know Christ, Apostle Holmes has developed a strong passion forserving. She has conducted numerous outreach services and thereby carries aprofound evangelistic anointing. Prior to learning about cell group ministry, shefrequently opened her home and hosted prayer and bible teachings. She hastraveled to various cities and states to minister the Word of God. She has alsovisited with and provided apostolic covering for a missionary in Japan.Apostle Holmes is a teacher by profession. She taught primary education in thepublic schools of South Carolina. In addition, in social services, she served as anadvocate for individuals with developmental and mental disabilities for more thantwenty years.As a pioneer, Apostle Holmes sings prophetically, and she utilizes the scripturesfound in the bible for growth and development. Prior to the dance ministrybecoming known to the church, she had her students dance prophetically in the late70’s and her children in the early 80’s.Apostle Holmes received her Bachelor of Science in Education from ClaflinUniversity in Orangeburg, South Carolina; a Master of Religious Arts in Theology;and a Doctor of Religious Philosophy in Christian Psychology from JacksonvilleTheological Seminary in Jacksonville, Florida. She has also participated ingraduate programs at South Carolina State College and Northeastern IllinoisUniversity. Apostle Holmes completed Clinical Pastoral Education at theUniversity of Chicago Hospitals and continues to serve as a Chaplain in a localhospital in the Chicagoland area. Her ability to help many people through counsel,prayer and ministry of the Word empowers them to become active in pursing theirGod ordained purpose in life and using their gifts to advance the Kingdom of God.Her favorite scripture is if my people, which are called by my name, shall humblethemselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then willI hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2Chronicles 7:14.